I THIK THE KRACDIL WIL ET SME AND NO BUTE WITSE SME A GIN. (2021)(I think the crocodile will eat me and nobody will see me again.)WIL ABALLE ART PROJECTS, VANCOUVER, BC Installation view. Russna Kaur, Blue life, acrylic, sawdust and oil pastel on canvas, 60 x 60 in., 2021. Russna Kaur, Nice ending, acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 72 x 48 in., 2021. Nice ending (detail). Russna Kaur, One split, acrylic and oil pastel on canvas, 9 x 12 in., 2021. Blue life (detail). Russna Kaur, What is the shape of a small balloon?, acrylic, oil pastel and crayon on wood panel, 24 x 30 in., 2021. What is the shape of a small balloon? (detail). Russna Kaur, Crosses, acrylic, oil pastel, papier-mâché and sawdust on canvas and wood panel, 48 x 60 in., 2021. Installation view. Russna Kaur, FLASHED, acrylic, oil pastel and paper cut outs on canvas and wood panel, 78 x 48 in., 2021. Russna Kaur, High time (the striking hour), acrylic, cut canvas, spray paint and sawdust on canvas and wood panel, 48 x 48 in., 2021. FLASHED (detail). Russna Kaur, Vase face, oil pastel on wood panel, 11 x 14 in., 2021. High time (the striking hour) (detail). Outdoor installation view. Outdoor installation view (side).